Interface TxRequest

The tx method retrieves information on a single transaction, by its identifying hash. Expects a response in the form of a TxResponse.



api_version?: number

The API version to use. If omitted, use version 1.

binary?: boolean

If true, return transaction data and metadata as binary serialized to hexadecimal strings. If false, return transaction data and metadata as. JSON. The default is false.

command: "tx"

The name of the API method.

ctid?: string

The Concise Transaction ID to look up. Exactly one of transaction or ctid must be specified for a TxRequest.

id?: string | number

A unique value to identify this request. The response to this request uses the same id field. This way, even if responses arrive out of order, you know which request prompted which response.

max_ledger?: number

Use this with min_ledger to specify a range of up to 1000 ledger indexes, ending with this ledger (inclusive). If the server cannot find the transaction, it confirms whether it was able to search all the ledgers in the requested range.

min_ledger?: number

Use this with max_ledger to specify a range of up to 1000 ledger indexes, starting with this ledger (inclusive). If the server cannot find the transaction, it confirms whether it was able to search all the ledgers in this range.

transaction?: string

The transaction hash to look up. Exactly one of transaction or ctid must be specified for a TxRequest.

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