AssetPrice?: string | numberThe asset price after applying the Scale precision level. It's not included if the last update transaction didn't include the BaseAsset/QuoteAsset pair.
The primary asset in a trading pair. Any valid identifier, such as a stock symbol, bond CUSIP, or currency code is allowed. For example, in the BTC/USD pair, BTC is the base asset; in 912810RR9/BTC, 912810RR9 is the base asset.
The quote asset in a trading pair. The quote asset denotes the price of one unit of the base asset. For example, in the BTC/USD pair,BTC is the base asset; in 912810RR9/BTC, 912810RR9 is the base asset.
Scale?: numberThe scaling factor to apply to an asset price. For example, if Scale is 6 and original price is 0.155, then the scaled price is 155000. Valid scale ranges are 0-10. It's not included if the last update transaction didn't include the BaseAsset/QuoteAsset pair.
A PriceData object represents the price information for a token pair.