Interface PaymentFlagsInterface

Map of flags to boolean values representing Payment transaction flags.

const partialPayment: Payment = {
TransactionType: 'Payment',
Account: 'rM9WCfJU6udpFkvKThRaFHDMsp7L8rpgN',
Amount: {
currency: 'FOO',
value: '4000',
issuer: 'rPzwM2JfCSDjhbesdTCqFjWWdK7eFtTwZz',
Destination: 'rPzwM2JfCSDjhbesdTCqFjWWdK7eFtTwZz',
Flags: {
tfPartialPayment: true

// Autofill the tx to see how flags actually look compared to the interface usage.
const autofilledTx = await client.autofill(partialPayment)
// {
// TransactionType: 'Payment',
// Account: 'rM9WCfJU6udpFkvKThRaFHDMsp7L8rpgN',
// Amount: {
// currency: 'FOO',
// value: '4000',
// issuer: 'rPzwM2JfCSDjhbesdTCqFjWWdK7eFtTwZz'
// },
// Destination: 'rPzwM2JfCSDjhbesdTCqFjWWdK7eFtTwZz',
// Flags: 131072,
// Sequence: 21970996,
// Fee: '12',
// LastLedgerSequence: 21971016
// }
interface PaymentFlagsInterface {
    tfLimitQuality?: boolean;
    tfNoRippleDirect?: boolean;
    tfPartialPayment?: boolean;


  • GlobalFlags
    • PaymentFlagsInterface


tfLimitQuality?: boolean

Only take paths where all the conversions have an input:output ratio that is equal or better than the ratio of Amount:SendMax. See Limit Quality for details.

tfNoRippleDirect?: boolean

Do not use the default path; only use paths included in the Paths field. This is intended to force the transaction to take arbitrage opportunities. Most clients do not need this.

tfPartialPayment?: boolean

If the specified Amount cannot be sent without spending more than SendMax, reduce the received amount instead of failing outright. See Partial. Payments for more details.