Interface OfferCreateFlagsInterface

Map of flags to boolean values representing OfferCreate transaction flags.

const tx: OfferCreate = {
Account: 'rhFcpWDHLqpBmX4ezWiA5VLSS4e1BHqhHd',
TakerGets: '43000.51',
TakerPays: '12928290425',
TransactionType: 'OfferCreate',
Flags: {
tfPassive: true,
tfFillOrKill: true,

// Autofill the tx to see how flags actually look compared to the interface usage.
const autofilledTx = await client.autofill(tx)
// {
// Account: 'rhFcpWDHLqpBmX4ezWiA5VLSS4e1BHqhHd',
// TakerGets: '43000.51',
// TakerPays: '12928290425',
// TransactionType: 'OfferCreate',
// Flags: 327680,
// Sequence: 21970384,
// Fee: '12',
// LastLedgerSequence: 21970404
// }
interface OfferCreateFlagsInterface {
    tfFillOrKill?: boolean;
    tfImmediateOrCancel?: boolean;
    tfPassive?: boolean;
    tfSell?: boolean;


  • GlobalFlags
    • OfferCreateFlagsInterface


tfFillOrKill?: boolean
tfImmediateOrCancel?: boolean
tfPassive?: boolean
tfSell?: boolean