Interface NFTSellOffersResponse

Response expected from an NFTSellOffersRequest.

interface NFTSellOffersResponse {
    api_version?: number;
    forwarded?: boolean;
    id: string | number;
    result: { nft_id: string; offers: NFTOffer[] };
    status?: string;
    type: string;
    warning?: "load";
    warnings?: ResponseWarning[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


api_version?: number
forwarded?: boolean
id: string | number
result: { nft_id: string; offers: NFTOffer[] }

Type declaration

  • nft_id: string

    The token ID of the NFToken to which these offers pertain.

  • offers: NFTOffer[]

    A list of sell offers for the specified NFToken.

status?: string
type: string
warning?: "load"
warnings?: ResponseWarning[]