Interface LedgerStreamResponse

This response mirrors the LedgerStream, except it does NOT include the 'type' nor 'txn_count' fields.

interface LedgerStreamResponse {
    fee_base: number;
    fee_ref?: number;
    ledger_hash: string;
    ledger_index: number;
    ledger_time: number;
    reserve_base: number;
    reserve_inc: number;
    validated_ledgers?: string;


fee_base: number

The reference transaction cost as of this ledger version, in drops of XRP. If this ledger version includes a SetFee pseudo-transaction the new. Transaction cost applies starting with the following ledger version.

fee_ref?: number

The reference transaction cost in "fee units". This is not returned after the SetFees amendment is enabled.

ledger_hash: string

The identifying hash of the ledger version that was closed.

ledger_index: number

The ledger index of the ledger that was closed.

ledger_time: number

The time this ledger was closed, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch.

reserve_base: number

The minimum reserve, in drops of XRP, that is required for an account. If this ledger version includes a SetFee pseudo-transaction the new base reserve applies starting with the following ledger version.

reserve_inc: number

The owner reserve for each object an account owns in the ledger, in drops of XRP. If the ledger includes a SetFee pseudo-transaction the new owner reserve applies after this ledger.

validated_ledgers?: string

Range of ledgers that the server has available. This may be a disjoint sequence such as 24900901-24900984,24901116-24901158. This field is not returned if the server is not connected to the network, or if it is connected but has not yet obtained a ledger from the network.