Interface PayChannel

The PayChannel object type represents a payment channel. Payment channels enable small, rapid off-ledger payments of XRP that can be later reconciled with the consensus ledger. A payment channel holds a balance of XRP that can only be paid out to a specific destination address until the channel is closed.

interface PayChannel {
    Account: string;
    Amount: string;
    Balance: string;
    CancelAfter?: number;
    Destination: string;
    DestinationNode?: string;
    DestinationTag?: number;
    Expiration?: number;
    Flags: number;
    index: string;
    LedgerEntryType: "PayChannel";
    OwnerNode: string;
    PreviousTxnID: string;
    PreviousTxnLgrSeq: number;
    PublicKey: string;
    SettleDelay: number;
    SourceTag?: number;


  • BaseLedgerEntry
  • HasPreviousTxnID
    • PayChannel


Account: string

The source address that owns this payment channel. This comes from the sending address of the transaction that created the channel.

Amount: string

Total XRP, in drops, that has been allocated to this channel. This includes XRP that has been paid to the destination address. This is initially set by the transaction that created the channel and can be increased if the source address sends a PaymentChannelFund transaction.

Balance: string

Total XRP, in drops, already paid out by the channel. The difference between this value and the Amount field is how much XRP can still be paid to the destination address with PaymentChannelClaim transactions. If the channel closes, the remaining difference is returned to the source address.

CancelAfter?: number

The immutable expiration time for this payment channel, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch. This channel is expired if this value is present and smaller than the previous ledger's close_time field. This is optionally set by the transaction that created the channel, and cannot be changed.

Destination: string

The destination address for this payment channel. While the payment channel is open, this address is the only one that can receive XRP from the channel. This comes from the Destination field of the transaction that created the channel.

DestinationNode?: string

A hint indicating which page of the destination's owner directory links to this object, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.

DestinationTag?: number

An arbitrary tag to further specify the destination for this payment channel, such as a hosted recipient at the destination address.

Expiration?: number

The mutable expiration time for this payment channel, in seconds since the Ripple Epoch. The channel is expired if this value is present and smaller than the previous ledger's close_time field. See Setting Channel Expiration for more details.

Flags: number

A bit-map of boolean flags enabled for this payment channel. Currently, the protocol defines no flags for PayChannel objects.

index: string
LedgerEntryType: "PayChannel"
OwnerNode: string

A hint indicating which page of the source address's owner directory links to this object, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.

PreviousTxnID: string

The identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this object.

PreviousTxnLgrSeq: number

The index of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object.

PublicKey: string

Public key, in hexadecimal, of the key pair that can be used to sign claims against this channel. This can be any valid secp256k1 or Ed25519 public key. This is set by the transaction that created the channel and must match the public key used in claims against the channel. The channel source address can also send XRP from this channel to the destination without signed claims.

SettleDelay: number

Number of seconds the source address must wait to close the channel if it still has any XRP in it. Smaller values mean that the destination address has less time to redeem any outstanding claims after the source address requests to close the channel. Can be any value that fits in a 32-bit unsigned integer (0 to 2^32-1). This is set by the transaction that creates the channel.

SourceTag?: number

An arbitrary tag to further specify the source for this payment channel useful for specifying a hosted recipient at the owner's address.