Interface NegativeUNL

The NegativeUNL object type contains the current status of the Negative UNL, a list of trusted validators currently believed to be offline.

interface NegativeUNL {
    DisabledValidators?: { FirstLedgerSequence: number; PublicKey: string }[];
    index: string;
    LedgerEntryType: "NegativeUNL";
    PreviousTxnID?: string;
    PreviousTxnLgrSeq?: number;
    ValidatorToDisable?: string;
    ValidatorToReEnable?: string;


  • BaseLedgerEntry
  • HasOptionalPreviousTxnID
    • NegativeUNL


DisabledValidators?: { FirstLedgerSequence: number; PublicKey: string }[]

A list of trusted validators that are currently disabled.

index: string
LedgerEntryType: "NegativeUNL"
PreviousTxnID?: string

The identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this object. This field was added in the fixPreviousTxnID amendment, so it may not be present in every object.

PreviousTxnLgrSeq?: number

The index of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object. This field was added in the fixPreviousTxnID amendment, so it may not be present in every object.

ValidatorToDisable?: string

The public key of a trusted validator that is scheduled to be disabled in the next flag ledger.

ValidatorToReEnable?: string

The public key of a trusted validator in the Negative UNL that is scheduled to be re-enabled in the next flag ledger.