The address of the owner (sender) of this held payment. This is the account that provided the XRP, and gets it back if the held payment is canceled.
The amount of XRP, in drops, to be delivered by the held payment.
CancelThe time after which this Escrow is considered expired.
ConditionA PREIMAGE-SHA-256 crypto-condition, as hexadecimal. If present, the EscrowFinish transaction must contain a fulfillment that satisfies this condition.
The destination address where the XRP is paid if the held payment is successful.
DestinationA hint indicating which page of the destination's owner directory links to this object, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.
DestinationAn arbitrary tag to further specify the destination for this held payment, such as a hosted recipient at the destination address.
FinishThe time, in seconds, since the Ripple Epoch, after which this held payment can be finished. Any EscrowFinish transaction before this time fails.
A bit-map of boolean flags. No flags are defined for the Escrow type, so this value is always 0.
A hint indicating which page of the owner directory links to this object, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.
The identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this object.
The index of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object.
SourceAn arbitrary tag to further specify the source for this held payment, such as a hosted recipient at the owner's address.
The Escrow object type represents a held payment of XRP waiting to be executed or canceled.