Interface DirectoryNode

The DirectoryNode object type provides a list of links to other objects in the ledger's state tree.


  • BaseLedgerEntry
  • MissingPreviousTxnID
    • DirectoryNode


Flags: number

A bit-map of boolean flags enabled for this directory. Currently, the protocol defines no flags for DirectoryNode objects.

IndexNext?: number

If this Directory consists of multiple pages, this ID links to the next object in the chain, wrapping around at the end.

IndexPrevious?: number

If this Directory consists of multiple pages, this ID links to the previous object in the chain, wrapping around at the beginning.

Indexes: string[]

The contents of this Directory: an array of IDs of other objects.

LedgerEntryType: "DirectoryNode"
Owner?: string

The address of the account that owns the objects in this directory.

PreviousTxnID: never

This field is missing on this object but is present on most other returned objects.

PreviousTxnLgrSeq: never

This field is missing on this object but is present on most other returned objects.

RootIndex: string

The ID of root object for this directory.

TakerGetsCurrency?: string

The currency code of the TakerGets amount from the offers in this directory.

TakerGetsIssuer?: string

The issuer of the TakerGets amount from the offers in this directory.

TakerPaysCurrency?: string

The currency code of the TakerPays amount from the offers in this directory.

TakerPaysIssuer?: string

The issuer of the TakerPays amount from the offers in this directory.

index: string

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