Interface DepositPreauth

A DepositPreauth object tracks a preauthorization from one account to another. DepositPreauth transactions create these objects.

interface DepositPreauth {
    Account: string;
    Authorize?: string;
    AuthorizeCredentials?: AuthorizeCredential[];
    Flags: 0;
    index: string;
    LedgerEntryType: "DepositPreauth";
    OwnerNode: string;
    PreviousTxnID: string;
    PreviousTxnLgrSeq: number;


  • BaseLedgerEntry
  • HasPreviousTxnID
    • DepositPreauth


Account: string

The account that granted the preauthorization.

Authorize?: string

The account that received the preauthorization.

AuthorizeCredentials?: AuthorizeCredential[]

The credential(s) that received the preauthorization.

Flags: 0

A bit-map of boolean flags. No flags are defined for DepositPreauth objects, so this value is always 0.

index: string
LedgerEntryType: "DepositPreauth"
OwnerNode: string

A hint indicating which page of the sender's owner directory links to this object, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.

PreviousTxnID: string

The identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this object.

PreviousTxnLgrSeq: number

The index of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object.