The door account that owns the bridge.
A bit-map of boolean flags. No flags are defined for Bridges, so this value is always 0.
MinThe minimum amount, in XRP, required for an XChainAccountCreateCommit transaction. If this isn't present, the XChainAccountCreateCommit transaction will fail. This field can only be present on XRP-XRP bridges.
A hint indicating which page of the sender's owner directory links to this object, in case the directory consists of multiple pages.
The identifying hash of the transaction that most recently modified this object.
The index of the ledger that contains the transaction that most recently modified this object.
The total amount, in XRP, to be rewarded for providing a signature for cross-chain transfer or for signing for the cross-chain reward. This amount will be split among the signers.
A counter used to order the execution of account create transactions. It is incremented every time a XChainAccountCreateCommit transaction is "claimed" on the destination chain. When the "claim" transaction is run on the destination chain, the XChainAccountClaimCount must match the value that the XChainAccountCreateCount had at the time the XChainAccountClaimCount was run on the source chain. This orders the claims so that they run in the same order that the XChainAccountCreateCommit transactions ran on the source chain, to prevent transaction replay.
A counter used to order the execution of account create transactions. It is incremented every time a successful XChainAccountCreateCommit transaction is run for the source chain.
The door accounts and assets of the bridge this object correlates to.
The value of the next XChainClaimID to be created.
A Bridge objects represents a cross-chain bridge and includes information about the door accounts, assets, signature rewards, and the minimum account create amount.