Interface Amendments

The Amendments object type contains a list of Amendments that are currently active.


  • BaseLedgerEntry
  • MissingPreviousTxnID
    • Amendments


Amendments?: string[]

Array of 256-bit amendment IDs for all currently-enabled amendments. If omitted, there are no enabled amendments.

Flags: 0

A bit-map of boolean flags. No flags are defined for the Amendments object type, so this value is always 0.

LedgerEntryType: "Amendments"
Majorities?: Majority[]

Array of objects describing the status of amendments that have majority support but are not yet enabled. If omitted, there are no pending amendments with majority support.

PreviousTxnID: never

This field is missing on this object but is present on most other returned objects.

PreviousTxnLgrSeq: never

This field is missing on this object but is present on most other returned objects.

index: string

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