Interface GetAggregatePriceRequest

The get_aggregate_price method retrieves the aggregate price of specified Oracle objects, returning three price statistics: mean, median, and trimmed mean. Returns an GetAggregatePriceResponse.

interface GetAggregatePriceRequest {
    api_version?: number;
    base_asset: string;
    command: "get_aggregate_price";
    id?: string | number;
    oracles: { account: string; oracle_document_id: string | number }[];
    quote_asset: string;
    trim?: number;
    trim_threshold?: number;
    [x: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [x: string]: unknown


api_version?: number

The API version to use. If omitted, use version 1.

base_asset: string

The currency code of the asset to be priced.

command: "get_aggregate_price"

The name of the API method.

id?: string | number

A unique value to identify this request. The response to this request uses the same id field. This way, even if responses arrive out of order, you know which request prompted which response.

oracles: { account: string; oracle_document_id: string | number }[]

The oracle identifier.

Type declaration

  • account: string

    The XRPL account that controls the Oracle object.

  • oracle_document_id: string | number

    A unique identifier of the price oracle for the Account

quote_asset: string

The currency code of the asset to quote the price of the base asset.

trim?: number

The percentage of outliers to trim. Valid trim range is 1-25. If included, the API returns statistics for the trimmed mean.

trim_threshold?: number

Defines a time range in seconds for filtering out older price data. Default value is 0, which doesn't filter any data.