Interface FundingOptions

interface FundingOptions {
    amount?: string;
    faucetHost?: string;
    faucetPath?: string;
    usageContext?: string;


amount?: string

A custom amount to fund, if undefined or null, the default amount will be 1000.

faucetHost?: string

A custom host for a faucet server. On devnet, testnet, AMM devnet, and HooksV3 testnet, fundWallet will attempt to determine the correct server automatically. In other environments, or if you would like to customize the faucet host in devnet or testnet, you should provide the host using this option.

faucetPath?: string

A custom path for a faucet server. On devnet, testnet, AMM devnet, and HooksV3 testnet, fundWallet will attempt to determine the correct path automatically. In other environments, or if you would like to customize the faucet path in devnet or testnet, you should provide the path using this option. Ex: client.fundWallet(null,{'', '/accounts'}) specifies a request to '' to fund a new wallet.

usageContext?: string

An optional field to indicate the use case context of the faucet transaction Ex: integration test, code snippets.