Interface AccountTxTransaction<Version>

interface AccountTxTransaction<
    Version extends APIVersion = typeof DEFAULT_API_VERSION,
> {
    hash?: Version extends 2 ? string : never;
    ledger_index: number;
    meta: string | TransactionMetadata;
    tx?: Version extends 1 ? Transaction & ResponseOnlyTxInfo : never;
    tx_blob?: string;
    tx_json?: Version extends 2 ? Transaction & ResponseOnlyTxInfo : never;
    validated: boolean;

Type Parameters


hash?: Version extends 2 ? string : never

The hash of the transaction.

ledger_index: number

The ledger index of the ledger version that included this transaction.

meta: string | TransactionMetadata

If binary is True, then this is a hex string of the transaction metadata. Otherwise, the transaction metadata is included in JSON format.

tx?: Version extends 1 ? Transaction & ResponseOnlyTxInfo : never

JSON object defining the transaction in rippled API v1.

tx_blob?: string

Unique hashed String representing the transaction.

tx_json?: Version extends 2 ? Transaction & ResponseOnlyTxInfo : never

JSON object defining the transaction.

validated: boolean

Whether or not the transaction is included in a validated ledger. Any transaction not yet in a validated ledger is subject to change.