Interface AccountTxRequest

The account_tx method retrieves a list of transactions that involved the specified account. Expects a response in the form of a AccountTxResponse.



account: string

A unique identifier for the account, most commonly the account's address.

api_version?: number

The API version to use. If omitted, use version 1.

binary?: boolean

If true, return transactions as hex strings instead of JSON. The default is false.

command: "account_tx"

The name of the API method.

forward?: boolean

If true, returns values indexed with the oldest ledger first. Otherwise, the results are indexed with the newest ledger first.

id?: string | number

A unique value to identify this request. The response to this request uses the same id field. This way, even if responses arrive out of order, you know which request prompted which response.

ledger_hash?: string

A 20-byte hex string for the ledger version to use.

ledger_index?: LedgerIndex

The ledger index of the ledger to use, or a shortcut string.

ledger_index_max?: number

Use to specify the most recent ledger to include transactions from. A value of -1 instructs the server to use the most recent validated ledger version available.

ledger_index_min?: number

Use to specify the earliest ledger to include transactions from. A value of -1 instructs the server to use the earliest validated ledger version available.

limit?: number

Default varies. Limit the number of transactions to retrieve. The server is not required to honor this value.

marker?: unknown

Value from a previous paginated response. Resume retrieving data where that response left off. This value is stable even if there is a change in the server's range of available ledgers.

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