Interface AccountObjectsRequest

The account_objects command returns the raw ledger format for all objects owned by an account. For a higher-level view of an account's trust lines and balances, see the account_lines method instead. Expects a response in the form of an AccountObjectsResponse.


  • BaseRequest
  • LookupByLedgerRequest
    • AccountObjectsRequest


account: string

A unique identifier for the account, most commonly the account's address.

api_version?: number

The API version to use. If omitted, use version 1.

command: "account_objects"

The name of the API method.

deletion_blockers_only?: boolean

If true, the response only includes objects that would block this account from being deleted. The default is false.

id?: string | number

A unique value to identify this request. The response to this request uses the same id field. This way, even if responses arrive out of order, you know which request prompted which response.

ledger_hash?: string

A 20-byte hex string for the ledger version to use.

ledger_index?: LedgerIndex

The ledger index of the ledger to use, or a shortcut string.

limit?: number

The maximum number of objects to include in the results. Must be within the inclusive range 10 to 400 on non-admin connections. The default is 200.

marker?: unknown

Value from a previous paginated response. Resume retrieving data where that response left off.

If included, filter results to include only this type of ledger object.

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