Enable rippling on this address's trust lines by default. Required for issuing addresses; discouraged for others.
This account can only receive funds from transactions it sends, and from preauthorized accounts. (It has DepositAuth enabled.)
Disallows use of the master key to sign transactions for this account.
disallowDisallow incoming Checks from other accounts.
disallowDisallow incoming NFTOffers from other accounts. Part of the DisallowIncoming amendment.
disallowDisallow incoming PayChannels from other accounts. Part of the DisallowIncoming amendment.
disallowDisallow incoming Trustlines from other accounts. Part of the DisallowIncoming amendment.
Client applications should not send XRP to this account. Not enforced by rippled.
All assets issued by this address are frozen.
This address cannot freeze trust lines connected to it. Once enabled, cannot be disabled.
The account has used its free SetRegularKey transaction.
This account must individually approve other users for those users to hold this account's issued currencies.
Requires incoming payments to specify a Destination Tag.
This address can claw back issued IOUs. Once enabled, cannot be disabled.