Interface AMMVote

Vote on the trading fee for an Automated Market Maker (AMM) instance.

Up to 8 accounts can vote in proportion to the amount of the AMM's LP Tokens they hold. Each new vote re-calculates the AMM's trading fee based on a weighted average of the votes.

interface AMMVote {
    Account: string;
    AccountTxnID?: string;
    Asset: Currency;
    Asset2: Currency;
    Fee?: string;
    Flags?: number | GlobalFlags;
    LastLedgerSequence?: number;
    Memos?: Memo[];
    NetworkID?: number;
    Sequence?: number;
    Signers?: Signer[];
    SigningPubKey?: string;
    SourceTag?: number;
    TicketSequence?: number;
    TradingFee: number;
    TransactionType: "AMMVote";
    TxnSignature?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


Account: string

The unique address of the transaction sender.

AccountTxnID?: string

Hash value identifying another transaction. If provided, this transaction is only valid if the sending account's previously-sent transaction matches the provided hash.

Asset: Currency

The definition for one of the assets in the AMM's pool.

Asset2: Currency

The definition for the other asset in the AMM's pool.

Fee?: string

Integer amount of XRP, in drops, to be destroyed as a cost for distributing this transaction to the network. Some transaction types have different minimum requirements.

Flags?: number | GlobalFlags

Set of bit-flags for this transaction.

LastLedgerSequence?: number

Highest ledger index this transaction can appear in. Specifying this field places a strict upper limit on how long the transaction can wait to be validated or rejected.

Memos?: Memo[]

Additional arbitrary information used to identify this transaction.

NetworkID?: number

The network id of the transaction.

Sequence?: number

The sequence number of the account sending the transaction. A transaction is only valid if the Sequence number is exactly 1 greater than the previous transaction from the same account. The special case 0 means the transaction is using a Ticket instead.

Signers?: Signer[]

Array of objects that represent a multi-signature which authorizes this transaction.

SigningPubKey?: string

Hex representation of the public key that corresponds to the private key used to sign this transaction. If an empty string, indicates a multi-signature is present in the Signers field instead.

SourceTag?: number

Arbitrary integer used to identify the reason for this payment, or a sender on whose behalf this transaction is made. Conventionally, a refund should specify the initial payment's SourceTag as the refund payment's DestinationTag.

TicketSequence?: number

The sequence number of the ticket to use in place of a Sequence number. If this is provided, Sequence must be 0. Cannot be used with AccountTxnID.

TradingFee: number

The proposed fee to vote for, in units of 1/100,000; a value of 1 is equivalent to 0.001%. The maximum value is 1000, indicating a 1% fee.

TransactionType: "AMMVote"

The type of transaction. Valid types include: Payment, OfferCreate, TrustSet, and many others.

TxnSignature?: string

The signature that verifies this transaction as originating from the account it says it is from.