Enumeration MPTokenIssuanceCreateFlags

Transaction Flags for an MPTokenIssuanceCreate Transaction.

Enumeration Members

tfMPTCanClawback: 64

If set, indicates that the issuer may use the Clawback transaction to clawback value from individual holders.

tfMPTCanEscrow: 8

If set, indicates that individual holders can place their balances into an escrow.

tfMPTCanLock: 2

If set, indicates that the MPT can be locked both individually and globally. If not set, the MPT cannot be locked in any way.

tfMPTCanTrade: 16

If set, indicates that individual holders can trade their balances using the XRP Ledger DEX or AMM.

tfMPTCanTransfer: 32

If set, indicates that tokens may be transferred to other accounts that are not the issuer.

tfMPTRequireAuth: 4

If set, indicates that individual holders must be authorized. This enables issuers to limit who can hold their assets.