Interface AccountOffersResponse

Response expected from an AccountOffersRequest.



api_version?: number
forwarded?: boolean
id: string | number
result: {
    account: string;
    ledger_current_index?: number;
    ledger_hash?: string;
    ledger_index?: number;
    marker?: unknown;
    offers?: AccountOffer[];

Type declaration

  • account: string

    Unique Address identifying the account that made the offers.

  • Optional ledger_current_index?: number

    The ledger index of the current in-progress ledger version, which was used when retrieving this data.

  • Optional ledger_hash?: string

    The identifying hash of the ledger version that was used when retrieving this data.

  • Optional ledger_index?: number

    The ledger index of the ledger version that was used when retrieving this data, as requested.

  • Optional marker?: unknown

    Server-defined value indicating the response is paginated. Pass this to the next call to resume where this call left off. Omitted when there are no pages of information after this one.

  • Optional offers?: AccountOffer[]

    Array of objects, where each object represents an offer made by this account that is outstanding as of the requested ledger version. If the number of offers is large, only returns up to limit at a time.

status?: string
type: string
warning?: "load"
warnings?: ResponseWarning[]

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